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Straight Razor Shaving - Getting Your First Straight Razor


Straight razors come in numerous styles, grinds, and tempers, and therefore could be a daunting prospect for someone looking to purchase their first straight razor. The question usually asked is, where does one begin? This informative article may help guide you towards making that first, challenging step.


Now that you've chosen to purchase a straight razor, you should learn that the straight razor is actually a shaving apparatus that is very simple. Unlike its modern multi-bladed and safety counterparts, a straight razor has, when honed correctly, one cutting edge that will hold an amazing sharpness.


The handle portion of a straight razor, also known as the "scales", usually consists of two separate pieces of stainless steel, celluloid, horn, bone, mother of pearl, or wood. Materials and exotic woods are from time to time used when a straight razor's present scales become damaged, or the owner wishes to replace them.


The scales are usually held together with washers and brass pins, which is on the shoulder/tang of the blade that allows the shaver to pivot into the open and closed positions. Most straight razors come with 2 pivots, though some can be found with 3. In most cases, three pins are utilized to supply greater strength to heavier and larger shavers.


The best straight razor brands don't have a locking function built into them, and therefore are free to open and close with mild pressure using the thumb. No matter how sharp the blade is, great care has to be taken when you hold on to your razor and open and shut it for the very first time. It's suggested you do this while seated, using a desk or table covered with a towel to control its action without dropping it, so that you can find the correct usage of the razor without cutting yourself or dropping it.


There are two metal kinds used in the razor construction of straight razors; stainless steel and carbon steel. Carbon steel is the most often employed kind of steel used due to it having properties that are softer and as such needs less time to create a sharp edge on it during the honing procedure. Watch this video at for tips on how to use straight razors.


While this might seem off putting at first having steel that is softer in your razor, the advantages far outweigh the usage of stainless steel. The reason behind that is that stainless steel is a substance that is much tougher and needs far greater attempt to hone it.


Stainless steel is resistant to rust, something that it is carbon brother is susceptible to, and is also much more easy to keep clean.


Regardless of which kind you wind up purchasing, straight razor maintenance and honing is going to be a continuous part of the straight razor's ownership which is used on a daily basis which is definitely helpful to apply a thin layer of mineral oil after each shave for blade protection and inhibit rust.

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